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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19924
This Months Entries: 15
My Total Entries: 0
My Entries this Month: 0
Most Active Members:
squiz (9 entries)
maker (6 entries)
Most Stoked Members:
squiz (Stoke Factor: 32 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 21 )

Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3149

22nd July 2012
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe
Wind Direction: s
Wind Stength: 15+
Surf / Sea State: big chop
Air Temperature: 20+
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny
Max Speed: 23.40 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 35 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

What a great day :) with the 15 mph forecast wind not kicking in until lunch time we made the most of the morning with breakfast at the dip meeting my sister and walking her new puppy to the ferry :) Then a quick lunch and take my gear to the dip, with no one there but the wind filling in nicely I rigged the 9.4 and took out the raceboard and with the wind fairly onshore beat the 5 miles to the River Orwell before turning and doing a 9 mile broad reach !!! all the way to Shingle Street - a top top run :) it was then a beat back to Felixstowe ferry with a little detour into the Deben to check out the kiters before setting off on the beat back to the Orwell and another mega reach back to the dip passing a couple of windsurfers out at the fludgers. After a short break and a chat with David Coles and Swainy I set off for the Orwell again as the wind increased slightely :) and had my best reach back of the day - the sea was fairly big but flatter at the Landguard/Manor end !!! So after 65k and knackered decided to call it a day and this is when all the action started !!! Formula champion David Coles was out on his big kit when he came across two dinghy sailors in trouble - a father and his 13 year old daughter both out of their boat being pulled along and hanging onto ropes :( David sailed up behind them stepped off his board into the boat letting his kit go - the girl then climbed aboard his formula board while Superhero David calmly pulled the father aboard his dinghy turned it around and sailed back to pick up the daughter before returning to his windsurfer and sailing back to the dip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Sadly the story doesn't have a happy ending as the pair then got into more trouble in the rough water in the River Deben mouth and couldn't right their boat !!! A boat from the Felixstowe Ferry SC took the cold and exhausted sailors back to the club leaving their boat upside down in the rough water :( While this was going on the rescue helicopter was nearby looking after a canoe and the RLNI inshore boat appeared and sadly made a pigs ear of trying to recover the dinghy from the rough rivermouth. Having failed the right the boat they towed it upside down several hundred metres towards the shore with the rig still up by which time the boat was pretty well knackered :( Then instead of landing the boat at the dip where we have a slip way and a boat park they just dumped it on the beach near the golf club and left. David's wife and my wife - both Mags :) turned up on their bikes just in time to watch the action and then a young lady badly cut her foot while paddling :( so her mum collected her in their car and we lead them the the hospital !!! Amazingly we still got home in time to see the Tour de France hi-lights - Top man Bradley Wiggen and the Sky team - well done :) So an eventfull day but windsurfing was great blasting in the sunshine !!! shame a few more didn't come down :( Longboards Rule !!!

There are a few pics at the end of this album :)

Photo Gallery here

Toys Used:
Fanatic Mega Cat 
Tushingham Lightning 9.4



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